Luxury Portfolio International presenta su primer modelo Luxury Home of Today


The second installment of Luxury Portfolio International’s 2022 State of Luxury Real Estate (SOLRE) report, released today, includes renderings of the ideal luxury home – the organization’s first annual Luxury Home of Today.

As part of the SOLRE research, which dives into the current luxury real estate market, high-net-worth consumers in more than 20 countries were surveyed about their top wants in a home. The data collected was then used to create the model home perfect for the 2022 buyer.

“While the luxury residential real estate landscape – and subsequent demand among buyers – had been fluctuating before COVID, the pandemic increased some of the changes we’re experiencing today,” said Mickey Alam Khan, New York-based president of Luxury Portfolio International.

“This is particularly true as it relates to a home’s literal livability, such as premium green amenities, room to run, self-care features such as saunas, steam rooms, yoga studios and ornate entertainment areas,” he said of the survey’s findings.

Perfect place

The survey revealed that many pandemic-driven trends are still hanging around in 2022 – the need for space, wellness amenities and safety.

The research identified seven key trends on the minds and home wish lists of the luxury consumer: the desire for a carefree, playful lifestyle; outdoor areas that function as adult entertainment zones; sustainability as a major priority; multiple wellness amenities; security features such as monitoring systems and smart locks; smart home technology, especially in the kitchen; and at-home services such as personal chefs.

The CGI renderings of the 2022 Luxury Home of Today, created with the help of Czech Republic-based Visual Studio, embody these top demands of high-net-worth homebuyers.

Modern architecture pairs with neutral design elements, an open kitchen, amenities such as a gym and spa-like bathroom, and an expansive outdoor entertaining complex complete with swimming pool, firepit and climbing wall.

Unlimited outdoor entertainment options at the 2022 Luxury Home of Today. Renderings by Visual Studio

The report also details must-haves for another important aspect of home buying for affluent consumers: their real estate agent.

The survey found that these buyers do their homework on potential agents, checking Web sites, social media and other aspects of their online presence, while also paying close attention to the brand of an agent’s brokerage. Web- and media-savvy is essential.

Affluent homebuyers also prefer to go with an agent who is part of their community, whether that be their own social circle or as an acquaintance of a friend or family member.

“Today’s global market is being shaped by widespread uncertainty, which makes it all the more crucial to stay well ahead of the most impactful trends,” Mr. Alam Khan said.

“At Luxury Portfolio International, we have long prided ourselves on not only being able to logically dissect what’s influencing the high-end sector, but how to instruct homebuyers, sellers and agents to adapt accordingly,” he said.

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