Informes e investigación
Últimos estudios sobre el consumidor mundial de lujo. Inicie sesión o cree una cuenta para acceder a los siguientes informes.
The Great Wellness Surge: Bringing the Best Life Home (2020)
The Great Wellness Surge: Bringing the Best Life Home takes an in-depth look at personal wellness as the new luxury from the perspective of those with homes worth $1 million USD or more. The findings highlight five important trends.
Descargar informeThe Allure of the Second Home: Why Affluent Buyers are Displaying Confidence in Resort Markets (2019)
In our research report, The Allure of the Second Home: Why Affluent Buyers are Displaying Confidence in Resort Markets, we explore the current state of the second home market, as it relates to the affluent consumer, focusing on the top 10% and above income earners in 26 countries, who are in the market to buy or sell a second or vacation home in the next three years.
Descargar informeMedia and The Message: Marketing Real Estate to the Affluent (2019)
The factors that influence the purchasing habits of the affluent consumer are changing. With the effect of social media, digital advertising, as well as television and streaming services, real estate professionals must be knowledgeable and strategic in their marketing efforts. In today’s changing landscape, combining both traditional and digital media vehicles to create a multi-channel strategy can help luxury real estate professionals better reach their target audience.
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